Monday, July 9, 2012

Mis-Matched Bridal Theme - A Do or a Don't

One of the newer trends that has been becoming more and more popular is the "mis-matched" bridesmaids' dresses.  As brides start to move away from the monotone "one dress fits all" attitude we tend to see bridesmaids be given their own individuality and style.  Happier bridesmaids make happier photos! Not all girls look the same in fabrics, colors, and styles - therefore give them the right to decide how they want to feel in front of wedding guests.  Allowing this option will make for a beautiful bridal party and great photo ops!

At AVentful we love this trend - it gives a whole new dimension to the wedding theme allowing the brides style and originality to come through all the hoop-la!  Although there are many variations, creativity, and options that can come through this new theme we caution brides when taking this path.

Here are a few good pointers to keep in mind when choosing the "mis-matched" wedding theme:
  1. Choose a Color! This can be one or several tones but remember to choose tones that compliment each other. Need Help? Go to a local hardware store and choose paint swatches for a good start! Its free and easy to do!
  2. Gather Some Inspiration! Once you have chosen a color or two, start an imagery board to collect and organize your ideas.  Try Pinterest - a great online imagery board system that is a great source to use when planning a wedding or event.  The imagery board allows you to visualize your theme and see everything come together.  Check out AVentful's Pinterest profile for some ideas. Need Help? If social sites are not your thing - cut and paste ideas from magazines to a poster board - same effect and just as easy to do!
  3. What is your Style? The feel for your wedding comes from the style you choose.  Are you modern, vintage, flirty, romantic, simple, classy or elegant?
  4. Fabric Time! If you are not familiar with fabrics we suggest you start.  This is the area where brides forget that could make it or break it for your mis-matched theme.  Remember not all fabrics are created equal.  For example satin and chiffon.  However silk organza and lace are beautiful.  Research fabrics you do and do not like - see what works for you and your style - let your girls know their parameters when choosing a dress.
  5. Here comes the FUN PART! Let your girls go shopping, make a girls trip if you want.  Allow them to choose dresses that make them feel beautiful!  Choose dresses they could wear again and feel good about themselves in.

    When done well this trend can be an amazing touch to your special day.
    Need help planning this? Call AVentful today!!

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